Commission Sheet.

If you are interested, contact me here.

If you are paying for a piece that has been completed, pay me here.

Artstyle Examples.

If you are feeling nostalgic, try going for a ms paint crunchy look, nothin’ like the old computer with some good mixing colors to bring out the crunchyness.Watch object shows and really wish you could just draw in that style? Preferably BFB?? Well you are in luck because I made pens for that occasion with the BFB Style/Sticky Inky look attached.Oh dear, feeling cartoony? Me too. Allow me to push my limits with my SCL (Shroomy Cartoon Loony) pens, I promise you I’ll make it look like you’re right at home.

I have three types of styles that I use, it’s all apart of my experimenting techniques, if you prefer a certain style you can let me know by asking for it, it’s that simple!


Will do the following:
Furries, Cartoon Characters, Original Characters, Animals.
Will NOT do the following:
R34, Gore, Any Fetishes, Racist/Hate that for matter, I won’t tolerate it and I have a right to decline it.


Please note:
- Please have the time and patience with me, I am a busy person and I have a life to do besides experimental drawing.
- I do not charge for backgrounds, details, extra characters.
- If you don’t like the piece, you can request a refund or a new one free of charge.

If you are interested in commissioning me but would like to see what more I have to offer, here are so links to my other art related websites.

If you would like to support me other than commissioning me, here are my other websites, you can also learn stuff about me and my passions too.

Thank you for commissioning me, and if you would like to take some time to look at these people who also have their commissions open and support them in anyway you can, I would appreciate it very much, and plus without them, my art wouldn’t be how it is today.

Honorable Mentions, Support Them Too! 